Chogogo Resort Restaurant & Bar
With the implementation of technical textiles, a functional and aesthetic canopy has been achieved. Our canopy offers protection against the weather for guests and is a standout feature of the resort.
In 2020,our team received an assignment from Chogogo Beach & Dive Resort on Bonaireto design and implement a tensile canopy for the reception lounge of their newholiday resort. The objective was to create a prominent and functional canopythat would offer protection from the weather elements and serve as anarchitectural highlight for the resort.
The designof the tensile canopy was realized in close collaboration with JacobsArchitects. The canopy, covering an area of approximately 55 x 20 meters, ismade from high-quality technical textile. It is supported by 10 main masts and16 rigged edge poles, resulting in a dynamic and visually appealing structure.The production and installation of the tensile canopy were fully handled by ourteam. This canopy serves as the centerpiece above the Restaurant & Bar andthe resort's lobby, significantly enhancing the visual and functional appeal ofthe area. Additionally, we provided similar canopies for other receptionfacilities and a second Restaurant & Bar at the same resort.
The tensilecanopy at Chogogo Beach & Dive Resort quickly became the resort's mainattraction and is essential in defining the location's appearance. This canopycombines high functionality with aesthetic elegance, contributing to animproved guest experience. The success of this project highlights our abilityto realize complex constructions that meet functional needs and have asignificant visual impact.
Full in-house capabilities from start to finish
Our designer creates an initial sketch and provides an artistic rendering to deliver a clear visual solution for a realistic image. We also provide a cost estimate.
If you're pleased with the sketch and budget, we'll move on to the preliminary design phase, complete with final calculations, including design specifications, costs, and structural requirements.
Before we proceed with production, we finalize the construction details in a binding timetable.
Our next step is to execute the production and installation plan. Materials will be packed and delivered to the site, where our VCA-certified technicians will manage the installation.
Once the installation is complete, a handover with the project leader will take place, during which everything will be thoroughly checked. We also provide maintenance and service, customized to the project and in agreement with the client.
A team of experts
From sketch to realization. Our experts handle everything with detailed precision.